Finding the Sacred in a Secular world –
Learn How to Reclaim our “Rights of Life”
October 2, 2021
1-4, a walk and talk with Steven
Please bring your own cup and portable chair if you have one, some chairs provided.
tea/coffee provided
prepare for all weather.
All Welcome.
Beyond religion, beyond anything you can think, there is a ’spiritual existence’. As a society we could not be, and have not been, more detached from the reality of this existence then we are now. And yet this very way of being and seeing may be the only thing that will ‘save’ us. Its like a dramatic set up for movie or a good book and yet it’s your life I am speaking of and the pages are quickly turning. Yes it’s dire but don’t worry, the plot can change quickly. Just as we have been led astray from the path so too may we be brought back to the saccabe, the sacred way.
It has taken me many years to find the sacred thread of existence, this golden way. To find it I looked in the highest and lowest places, I looked deep in the wilds and within myself, I traveled far and wide in all directions. Yet, like a blind fool sailing on the very boat he’s looking for, I failed to recognize it was these sacred threads that were holding me up the whole time. What I was looking for had already found and claimed me long before I could see.
The truth is we don’t find this divine being in the wilds because everything there is of Her. This would be like finding fresh water at sea. What you find in the wilds is what you bring, yourself. Where you see Her most clearly is in our co-creations. A small part of the wild holy being that we partnered with to make the foundational things and arts of our culture still lives hidden inside our everyday life and its objects.
As we begin to see the signs of our protogenic ancestors everywhere and recognize them, we hand ourselves over to ancient ‘animistic’ ways. Our sense of what is common, mundane and unimportant is devoured. As is our sense of disempowerment, hopelessness and depression. All of life comes alive. And for the first time we start to really live with those that surround us and who have sustained us from the beginning.
From the new perspective that comes from living this way we can see our secularized existence didn’t just happen. The “rights of life” that ground us in the present and in our power, were taken from us. At first by force, through colonization the old ways were cut from their roots. Then their pale forms were starved of light and nutrients by Christianity and reason, and then cleverly sold back to us in the age of capitalism through the tyranny of convenience. Now these foundational gifts, that our culture still rests on, go completely unseen. Far from their original towering forms, as our cultures protogenic beings these ancestors and deities have been diminished to the point of oblivion.
What am I talking about? Who are these beings?
They are in every human made thing. From your domestic food to what your wearing, to what your sitting on and sitting at, to what your living inside of. None of these things, like domestic food, clothes, tables, chairs and houses just came to be. They were gifts that came from an eternal dimension outside of our biological existence. Gifts which we have not only forgotten we were given, but forgotten the deities who gave them to us. And in our deep forgetting we’ve left ourselves behind and become lost in a material world.