What plants do in the ecology they do for us internally. Sweetgale helps the water flow clear (diuretic) and purifies it (detoxification), while building the strength of the shoreline. She holds the nutritive silt that builds up along the shoreline, so for us She draws out toxins and helps absorb food from our blood stream more efficiently. She strengthens and cleanses our organs. Sweetgale grows in thick hedges along the shores and so has developed anti fungal, antibiotic and anti-parasitic qualities to protect herself, as well as being able to repel mosquitoes. Mosquitoes and other pathogens feed on shoreline plants long before they suck blood, only needing blood to reproduce.
When we lie down with others and sleep, we can dream together with Her help. Our consciousness, like the Sweetgale roots are all interlaced underground and underwater. We are one in the collective dream realm. While our dreams with Her may be more colourful, Her teachings that come to us are black and white, like Loon’s markings. Loon’s eye, orange like the setting sun, purifies us when we are in the dreamtime. Like Loon’s masterful flying underwater, when we drink Sweetgale we have lucidity, we have the ability to move whatever direction we will in our dreams.
Loon, like her spirit twin Sweetgale calls us back to our most ancient self, to our ancestors and to the ancient Earth.
In any weather Sweetgale’s energy is always bright and up, so she enlivens our body (tonic and stimulant).